Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pakistani investors and Industrialists moving to Malaysia with new Malaysian visa scheme.

Hundreds of Pakistani investors and industrialists are selling everything here and decideding to go to Malaysia to get settled.According to news reports arround 2 billion ruppes has been transferd to Malayia in last 8 years. They are taking advantage of the Malaysian scheme of Malaysia My Second Home (MMII).

2.5 million weapons with Pakistani Public

There are about 2.5 million weapons with Pakistani Public,and around 1.5 million weapons are without licensed.

Sayeeda Warsi the British minister says Pakistan fails to give women rights that were granted in Islam

According to British minister Sayeeda WarsiPakistan is failing to live up to one of the tenets of Islam which guarantees rights to all women, The Guardianreported on Thursday.

Warsi is a Conservative party co-chairman and minister without portfolio, who is the first Muslim to sit as a full member of the cabinet.
Lady Warsi said Pakistan is denying rights granted 1,400 years ago in the Quran.
Warsi, 40, whose father arrived in Britain from Pakistan in 1960, said in a Guardian interview that, in a “nutshell”, Pakistan is not living up to the ideals of its founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Warsi said she had also raised concerns about the treatment of minorities in Pakistan. Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan’s only Christian minister, was shot dead in March after he called for the reform of blasphemy laws that impose the death sentence for insulting Islam.

Pakistani drug users consume $1.2b of heroin a year: UN

Pakistanis consume $1.2 billion worth of heroin every year, 1.8% of a global market of over $65 billion, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Data on Pakistani drug consumption was released as part of the 2011 World Drug Report, the UNODP’s flagship publication which compares global production, consumption, trafficking and prices of several different types of drugs, including opium/heroin, coca/cocaine, amphetamine-type stimulants and cannabis.

The report states that Pakistan’s geographic location makes it vulnerable to the threat of drug usage and trafficking since Afghanistan produces almost 90% of the world’s opium and heroin, of which almost 40% is trafficked through Pakistan, or over 35% of the global total.

According to a statement by the UNODC, the fact that poppy growing Afghan provinces – Helmand, Kandahar and Nimroz – neighbour Pakistan, it makes the country a lucrative trafficking route for Afghan opiates.

“Pakistan is particularly vulnerable to the trafficking of Afghan opiates and this poses a burden on public health, criminal justice and security systems,” said Jeremy Douglas, UNODC Representative in Pakistan.

Taleh Bugti,Grand son of Akbar Bugti died in a dance party in Karachi

Saturday Nigh dance parties are common in Karachi now a days, in a dance party last night 5 died at firing between the participants including Taleh Bugti the grand son of Akbar Bugti.